Monday, February 1, 2010


LiVe * LaUgH * LoVe


"…hold fast to the principles of the gospel, that you will study them and love them."

Prayer Daily * Study Scriptures Always * Attend Church * Pay Tithing * Write in Journal * Bless Addilyn



    "…beautiful, strong body and intelligent mind."

Be a Size 6 * Exercise 5X Weekly * Eat A Healthy Diet *Quit Biting Fingernails * Quit Pulling Eyelashes



    "…keep far from burdensome debt…Pay your tithing."

Pay off all Credit Card Debt * Start Paying Student Loan (end of year) * Savings (Personal $1500, Roth IRA $1,000, Addi's $1,000) * Pay Tithing



    "…be strong and determined to get learning—get instruction and be of great service."

Graduate April 2010 * Be CHES certified * Get Personal Trainer Certificate * Keep up HIV Instructor Certification *Begin working in health education *



    "…live a balanced life of hard work and play."

Read 12 books * Learn guitar * Keep up-to-date with current events * Learn how to sew * Learn about a new culture


DoN'T FoRgEt tHe LitTle tHiNgS

    "…for they are the sure way to happiness and joy and productivity."

Be prompt to everything * Stay organized at all times *Volunteer * Secret monthly deed * Volunteer in community


Be a better friend, student, sister, daughter, granddaughter, cousin, coworker, citizen, auntie and especially MaMa!


"You will make a fine impression on many people in this world-an impression that will help them live happily also."


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